Academic Athlete Logo

Register for 2023 - 2024 League

"*" indicates required fields

Player Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Basketball Skill Level
1 is beginner and 5 is advanced. Please select the number you deem to be the most accurate.

Parent/Guardian Information

This section is required.
(i.e., Match Referee, operate scoreboard, coach)

Parent #2 Information

This section is optional.
(i.e., Match Referee, operate scoreboard, coach)

Emergency Contact

This section is required.

Release of Liability

Although the safety of all sport activities is the primary concern, indoor sport activities at our designated facilities (ie: Sport Centers, gyms, etc.) may cause injuries and/or death. I expressly assume the risk of injury, death, and/or illness arising from any cause, and agree to waive the right to pursue any claim against the Youth Sport Center and the persons in charge.
I have read and agree to the above conditions*

To complete your registration, payment must also be received using the payment buttons below.

Payment Options